


  1. All pupils are the member of the library.
  1. A pupil can borrow only one book at a time.

3 Pupils are allowed to keep books for a week and the issue may be renewed for more than four days.

  1. Books will be issued to the pupils only in the library periods and between 12.30 p.m. to 1.00p.m.
  1. Reference books will not be issued, members will be allowed to refer to them in the library.
  1. The librarian may call for return of a book at any time, even before the expiry of loan period.

7 If the date of issue of return of books happens to be holiday both issue and return will be postponed to the next working day.

  1. If a book is not returned at expiry of periods of loan a fine of 50 paise per day will be charged. Further issue of books will be made only after payment of fine and entry in the defaulters card.
  1. Absence from school is no excuse for delay in returning the book.
  1. In case a book issued is badly handled or torn concerned will have to pay double market price of the book.
  1. Any marking, underlining annotating or defacing of books by pupils is forbidden and fine shall be levied for violating this rule.
  1. Members shall carefully examine the books as soon as they are issued to them and any mark, soilage, demage etc. or loss of pages will be reported fort with to the librarian, filing which they will be held responsible for such things.
  1. Members will not pass no books to non members,
  1. All books borrowed will be returned by the end of march every year.


1 Students should always go to the laboratory well prepared and wearing the laboratory overall.

  1. Practical Record book should be brought for practicals.
  1. Students should not leave their places or disturb others
  2. Observations should be entered in the rough practical note book and not on loose sheets.
  1. Apparatus should be handled carefully and must be cleaned and returned after use. Students will be responsible for any breakage or loss of the apparatus taken for experiments.
  1. Equipment, Apparatus, Chemical etc. should not be removed from the laboratory