

Test & Examination



1st Formative Assessment (PA1)


10 marks

2nd Formative Assessment (PA2)


10 marks

1 – Submative Assessment (SA1)


30 marks


3rd Formative Assessment (Term-I)


10 marks

4th Formative Assessment (Term-II)


10 marks

II – Submative Assessment (SA2)


30 marks

Examination By Laws:


  1. The marks of the monthly test will be added in the Term/Annual Examination according to weightage.

  1. Unit Tests will be conducted and no complaints regarding: the same will be entertained.

  1. The Criteria about marks for promotion may be revised at the discretion of the principal

  1. If a student is absent from any of the tests/examination for any reason what so ever, he or she will be given no marks. Supplementary Examinations will not be held under any
  2. Circumstances for the sake of absence.

6 Students using unfair means in the test/examinations shall be given zero marks in that subject and it will be recorded as an act of misconduct

  1. In the matter of promoting to next higher class, the decision of the Principal is final

  1. Report Cards sent for parent’s signature should be returned to the class teacher within three days. 9. Tampering with the enteries in Report Cards will be treated as a serious offence.


  1. Promotion depends upon the students performance in the Annual Terminal and Monthly Examinations and on the assessment of socially useful productive works. In Annual examinations every students is required to obtain 33% marks in aggregate.
  1. Aminium attendance of 75% is required for promotion however if the attendance is below 75% but above 35% the student has to produce medical certificate for special consideration.
  1. The Students absenting themselves from any examination or test will not be re-examined.
  1. In all the matters connected with admission/examination/ promotion of students, the decision of the Principal is final and binding.


Request to Parents / Guardians :

  1. Please avoid commenting on any teacher or the school in the presence of children, If you have any genuine problem, please discuss with the Principal.
  1. Parents may meet the teacher only with the permission of the Principal
  1. Please ensure that the child is regular in doing homework/ assignments and devotes adequate time and attention to studies at home.
  1. Withdrawal of the pupil from classes for too many social functions is not desirable.

5.Please go through the progress report regularly and co-operate with the school in remedying the defects observed

  1. Parents should inform the school whenever there is change in their address.
  1. Please pay the school fees and other dues in time.